During the 1960s, the concept of alloy wheels emerged. These wheels were made of either magnesium or aluminum. They were initially referred to as mags, which is the reason why people keep referring to them as such. Prior to this, the wheels made of magnesium were not very popular among cars due to their low ductility.

Due to various problems, such as the cracking, magnesium wheels are no longer made. They were incredibly flammable and required regular maintenance to keep their shiny appearance. During that period, magnesium wheels were commonly used in racing cars.

The introduction of alloy wheels in 1960s significantly improved the quality of wheels. They were made with aluminum and various other metals. Compared to the magnesium wheels, which were incredibly expensive, the aluminum wheels were very low-cost.

Advantages of alloy wheels over the steel wheels.

1. Traditional steel wheels are not commonly associated with stylish accessories for cars. On the other hand, alloy wheels have various styles and colors that can enhance the appearance of your vehicle.

2. Compared to the steel wheels, the weight of the alloy wheels is very important when it comes to handling and steering response. The lighter weight of the alloy wheels helps improve the handling and steering response. It also allows the suspension to maintain a more closely spaced position with the terrain.

3. Compared to steel wheels, the weight of alloy wheels is lower. They also help reduce the vehicle's fuel consumption.

4. In terms of heat transmission, the performance of the alloy wheels has significantly improved. This is because they have better heat transmission, which helps disperse the heat from the brake pads. This helps prevent overheating and improves the vehicle's braking performance.

5. The technology involved in the production of alloy wheels has resulted in them having more strength than steel wheels. Also, steel wheels are prone to bending over pot holes.

Disadvantage of alloy wheels over steel wheels.

1.  Steel wheels are lot cheaper in terms of price compared to alloy wheels.

2. Although steel wheels can be fixed, replacing the alloy wheels is not possible. They won't bend but will break.

3. If the alloy wheels are not regularly maintained, they can develop galvanic corrosion, which can lead to air leaks in tires.