Many people are wondering what the difference is between the replicas and the original wheels. Before you start talking about the condition and appearance of your wheels, it's important to understand that the whole look of your vehicle can be affected by their condition. Aside from the appearance, the rim type also refers to the original equipment or the replacement parts.
When it comes to replacing wheels, it’s important to make sure that they’re both up to the job and look great. OEM wheels are designed to fit perfectly and work seamlessly with the vehicle's safety system.
Today, there are no cars that lack advanced electronics that can adapt to different driving conditions such as braking, stability, and performance. The sensors that are required to communicate with the wheels should be integrated seamlessly. Only OEM or manufacturer-made wheels can guarantee this.
The quality of the wheels plays a huge role in the performance of your vehicle. As OEM (original equipment manufacturer) wheels are commonly fitted to cars, their integrity must be impeccable. They have gone through numerous safety checks and conform to the car's specifications.
An OEM rim is constructed to a company's specifications, which makes them the ideal fit for any vehicle. Also, they're not as widely produced as they are made from better materials.
A style wheel is exactly like the original wheels, which helps retain the value of your vehicle and opens up the market to everyone. These wheels are made to fit different vehicle models. Even if more aftermarket wheels are produced each year, OEM wheels are still readily available.
If you're not sure which type of rim would work best for your vehicle, then don't hesitate to contact us at Elite Customs. We have a wide selection of high-quality rim options that will suit any vehicle.